BASES OF THE SWEEPSTAKES “Business Software Use And Digitalisation UK 2018”
By means of the following bases, NOBLUE, establishes the regulatory rules by which the award of the prize described below must be governed, among the people participating in the Draw, called “DRAW Business Software Use and Digitalisation UK 2018 “ organised by NOBLUE (hereinafter the” Sweepstakes “) whose conditions are described below:
The territorial scope of the Draw will be the entire United Kingdom territory.
The Organiser of the Draw is NOBLUE.
This promotion will start on March 19, 2018 (hereinafter, “Start date of the Draw”) and end on May 15, 2018 (hereinafter, “End of the Draw”), both inclusive, without prejudice to the provisions of subsection 11.2 below.
4.1 Prize
The prize object of the draw that includes this promotion, will consist of an Amazon gift card worth £200.
The winners exempt NOBLUE, its affiliates, associated companies and personnel dependent on them from any liability arising from any damage they may suffer during the enjoyment of the prize object of this promotion.
4.2 Nature of the prize
- The Prize object of this Sweepstakes may not under any circumstances be subject to change, alteration or substitution by another prize, and in no case may be exchanged for its cash value.
- Likewise, the Prize is non-transferable, even when the Prize winners renounce it.
- In the event that the winners do not meet the requirements expressed in these rules or renounce the Prize, it will be void.
4.3 Authorisation
The winners authorise NOBLUE to reproduce and use their name, surname, address and image in any advertising or promotional activity related to the prize in which they have been winners without such use confers rights of remuneration or any benefit other than the delivery of the prize won.
Participants in the present promotion must send completed the online questionnaire Once received and verified its completion will enter to participate in the draw.
6.1 Participation
All those people who fill in the online form during the period of this promotion (point 3) will be able to participate in this Sweepstakes.
In addition, participants must meet the following requirements: Must be over 18 years of age, be resident in United Kingdoms territory and identify the company. Only one questionnaire will be valid per company.
Participation in the Sweepstakes implies the full acceptance of all the clauses contained in this document. Failure by the participant implies implicit waiver of their participation.
6.2 Persons excluded from the Draw
Participation in the Sweepstakes is prohibited to employees of NOBLUE or any company of the NOBLUE Group and to the workers of the company that is eventually responsible for the management of the Sweepstakes, as well as to spouses, ascendants, descendants and other relatives by consanguinity or affinity up to the 2nd grade inclusive of all the previous ones. Failure to comply with this rule may result in the loss of the Prize obtained.
The surveys will be numbered in order of reception from 001 onwards. The survey that coincides with the number of the ONCE draw on May 20 will be the winner. If no survey coincides with the last 3 figures, it will be chosen based on the last two figures. If there is no winning number, one of the questionnaires will be drawn at random.
NOBLUE reserves the right to modify the date of awarding the prizes at your convenience.
The substitutes will be 3 numbers chosen at random and will replace the winner or, where appropriate, the corresponding substitute, when there is incomplete or incorrect identification, or failure to comply with the requirements of these rules, or impossibility of locating it after 15 days. from the celebration of the draw or for any cause not attributable to NOBLUE.
NOBLUE will inform the winners of the prize obtained within 15 days of the day of the draw, by publishing it on the website
The winner must prove to NOBLUE the requirements demanded in these rules during the following 7 days from the moment in which he is informed of the award. In the case of not receiving a reply within the indicated period, NOBLUE will understand that the winner renounces the prize and will repeat the same process with the corresponding substitute.
To participate in this promotion the participant will provide their personal data and give their consent so that these are entered in the database of NOBLUE, and can be used for future promotional or marketing actions of NOBLUE, including the sending of commercial offers of the NOBLUE products and services.
NOBLUE guarantees the confidentiality of personal data and undertakes not to assign them to any person or entity outside the NOBLUE Group.
In accordance with the Privacy and Cookies Policy of NOBLUE, and based on the Organic Law 15 / 1.999 of December 13, Protection of Personal Data, the participant may contact at any time, in writing, to NOBLUE (C/ NoBlue Limited, 2/3 H2O Business Park, Lake View Drive, Nottingham, NG15 0HT ) or by email , indicating in the subject “LOW” to access your data, rectify, cancel or oppose its use or transfer, as well as to revoke your consent for receipt of commercial communications, including those sent by email or SMS messages, in accordance with the Law of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Mail.
The Sweepstakes will be communicated through the website as well as through any other advertising support that the Sweepstakes Organiser deems appropriate.
11.1 Partial Nullity
The cancellation of any of the clauses or conditions of participation does not affect the validity of the remaining clauses or conditions.
11.2 Rights of the Draw Organiser
- NOBLUE reserves the right not to award the prize to the participant who does not have the right to participate in this Sweepstakes in accordance with the provisions of section 6.
- NOBLUE reserves the right to make, if necessary, the necessary clarifications or interpretations or to establish the necessary modifications in case of contradiction or impossibility of compliance with the conditions of participation or clauses herein established, to which the participants lend your consent for the mere act of participating.
- Likewise, NOBLUE reserves the right to reduce or extend the duration of this promotion, suspend it, postpone it or cancel it justifiably at any time without prior notice, if it considers that this is required by the circumstances, complying, in any case, with the legal requirements that correspond.
- NOBLUE reserves the right to contract with the Companies that it deems convenient to carry out certain activities related to the management and execution of this promotion.
11.3 Disclaimer
- The Organiser of the Contest is not responsible for the technical connection problems that may arise during the electronic communication, in particular, regarding failures of the Internet or the Website.
- Similarly, the Organiser of the Contest will not be responsible in any case for any circumstance attributable to telephone companies or third parties that may affect the sending of data in this Contest.
- Except for the derivation of intent or gross negligence, any liability on the part of the Organiser of the Contest is excluded with respect to any claim derived from this Contest and, in particular, the one derived from the above assumptions, as well as the cases of extension or reduction of the Contest or cancellation thereof, in accordance with the provisions of clause 11.2 above.
- NOBLUE is exempt from any liability that may arise from any errors in the data provided by the winning entrant, in the event that identification is not possible.
- The winner exempts NOBLUE from any liability arising from any damage that may be suffered by the enjoyment of the Prize object of this promotion.
11.4 Deposit of the bases before a Notary
NOBLUE reserves the right to formalise this document before a Notary Public of the Illustrious Notary School of Madrid.
11.5 Applicable legislation
To the prize object of the present promotion, it will be of application the Law 35/2006 of the Tax on the Income of the Physical Persons, the Royal Decree 439/2007 by which the Regulation of the Law of the Income Tax of the Individuals is approved. Individuals, Royal Decree 2717/1998, of December 18; Royal Decree 2069/1999, of December 30, which approves the Statute of the Public Business Entity Lotteries and Bets of the State; Royal Decree 3059/1966 of December 1, approving the Consolidated Text of Tax Rates; and other related provisions, corresponding, where appropriate, to the commercial entity NOBLUE the realisation of the deposit on account or the practice of withholding.